Community Framework

After PC CARES was “piloted” and proven effective in the Northwest Arctic Borough, the neighboring region applied for research funds to expand the project.  The PC CARES curriculum was changed to suit the needs of Bering Strait communities before the first cohort of facilitators could be trainer.

Read more about program adaptation here.

To learn about the pilot curriculum, click here.

Learning circle (LC) themes

LC1: Context & youth development


Alaska Native and Inuit youth suicide used to be rare in the past, and now, it is way too common. Rates of suicide have increased since the 1960’s, when the effects of colonization took hold in Alaskan communities. This learning circle looks at what community members think and feel about where we’ve been and where we’re going as a people, and examines the positive youth development framework along with what youth say helps them get through tough times.


LC2: Support for youth


Youth and adults in Northwest Alaska were asked what they think will best prevent suicide. While adults’ responses focused on providing programs and opportunities to you, many youth simply said, “talk to us.”

We can all listen to better support the young people in our lives. “Listening for wellness” means showing acceptance and openness, without interrupting, giving advice, or trying to cheer someone up. Listening well also means reflecting back what you heard and asking open-ended questions.

LC3: Prevention


LC4: Grief and healing


Suicide is often impulsive. If you can make it 10 minutes harder to take suicidal action, you can save a life. Time matters! One of the most important first steps if you are worried about someone is to make sure they cannot easily get a loaded gun. Research shows that making one’s home safer by keeping bullets located separately from guns and both locked away can prevent suicide.

Small, non-demanding acts and messages of kindness can also reduce risk. For example, “I am thinking of you and I want you to know I care.”


After a suicide happens, everyone—especially young people—are at higher risk for suicide. Families, communities, and institutions can talking safely about what happened to decrease risk. Talking safely about suicide means sharing only the basic facts, rather than talking about how or why someone killed themselves.

Grief after a suicide can take longer to heal from and be more complicated. Everyone experiences grief differently. Giving youth and adults a non-judgmental place to talk about what they’re feeling (for example, a support group) helps healing.


LC5: Review and next steps

Let’s review and reflect on what we learned—from research and from each other.

HOW SHOULD WE MOVE FORWARD? This could include celebrating and sharing what has already be learned and accomplished, selecting a key area or priority on which to focus efforts, or repeating the PC CARES process with different people or groups attending (for example, dads, teachers, etc.).