Based on decades of research in Northwest Alaska, we know that basic community protective factors can significantly impact the rate of youth suicide. This is true across the region: respect for culture, enforced local option laws, and engaged adults to talk to, among other factors, support youth and prevent suicide. Importantly, these effects are cumulative—the more community protective factors, the lower the rate of suicide.

References to support learning circle 4: Community protective factors:

Chandler, M.J. & Lalonde, C.E. (2008). Cultural continuity as a protective factor against suicide in first nations youth. Horizons, 10(1):68-72.

Chandler M.J. & Lalonde, C.E. (1998). Cultural continuity as a hedge against suicide in canada's first nations. Transcultural Psychiatry, 35(2):191-219.

Berman, M. (2014). Suicide among young Alaska native men: community risk factors and alcohol control. American Journal of Public Health, 104(S3), S329-S335.